AGRO-CORE City stadion Zagreb and maxArtFest Fictional economics, operetta politics, blood and war as tools to calibrate corruption, all formed a system of maintaining a culture of oblivion. How is oblivion possible in the era of free distribution of information? We explore performance mechanisms that have the same effect on users in both physical and digital reality - as an inherited power that, by its very form, triggers the ritual of oblivion. The audience becomes a performer without even realizing it. This is happening in digital culture as it was happening in the culture of mass political manifestations of the twentieth century. Lev Manovich writes about database performances that no longer need narration. Fragmentary, one-time, fully committed, emotional, and ready to disappear instantly.

The influence of the primitive version of capitalism on Balkan societies, especially the media, is a publicly known fact. Journalists, who were supposed to be the control mechanism for the abuse of democracy, openly write that they must not criticize certain capitalists because they finance them with advertisements and other forms of covert corruption. In Croatia, the conglomerate Agrokor had such control over the media and society. It was only with its collapse in 2019 that the depth of crime by which such companies were intertwined with politics and the media was revealed. Ten years before, we were running the project Agrokorizam / Manifesto of oblivion, at the central city football stadium in Zagreb.