RETURN OF EUROPE, COW. Polyphonic project performed in 2013 at Maxartfest Zagreb Croatia. The space between the desire to enter Europe and living in a heterotopia of behavior patterns, language, beliefs from the post-socialist reality. As a theater text, it was published immediately after the Balkan war in 1994, about characters who cannot speak or think, but using the patterns of social realist films and the language of sentences from party communiqués. In 2013, it was performed as a contemporary art project, in an underground garage, a shopping center and a moving tram. Author: Leo Katunarić Kadele
POVRATAK EUROPE KRAVE Polifoni projekt izveden 2013. na Maxartfestu Zagreb Croatia. Prostor između žudnja ulaska u Europu i življenje u heterotopiji obrazaca ponašanja, jezika, uvjerenja iz postsocijalističke realnosti. Kao kazališni tekst objavljen je odmah nakon balkanskog rata 1994., o likovima koji ne mogu govoriti ni misliti nego obrascima soc realističkih filmova i jezikom rečenica iz partijskih priopćenja. 2013. izveden kao projekt suvremene umjetnosti, u podzemnoj garaži, shoping centru i tramvaju u kretanju. Autor: Leo Katunarić Kadele
POP_UP_THEATRE Research of artistic performances that are formed outside of linear time and space. Like transhistorical performances that create a new work by placing a contemporary object and an object from the distant past side by side. In my "real-life" career as a theater director and author, I have produced a hundred different performance forms, from classic dramatic theater and opera performances to post-dramatic and digital, or genre-based, such as children's or political manifestations. Such performances had to be perfectly performed in their expected, traditional form to fulfill their purpose - to enable my life and artistic circulation. However, in each of these plays, from the earliest projects I produced as a high school student, I implemented points that did not originally belong there. By later connecting such points, objects are created, and by connecting such objects - performance hyper objects. With the full development of digital technology, performance interfaces are created, screens with which it is possible to create a pop-up show composed of objects made in the distant past. I call such performances pop-up mysteries because their sudden performance today subsequently inscribes the meaning of the past. Like Benjamin's tiger leap into the past. The play of actors in a play in Italy twenty years ago in a pop-up performance today becomes a 3d body performed on the screen, united with texts written in Colombia that are yet to be published and music that was performed only once in Tokyo ten years ago. The Japanese students' performance is transmitted via the Zoom app to a screen in Germany where it becomes a glitch. One of the audience of such a pop-up performance experiences catharsis, but the other audience of the same performance just turns on their screens and starts watching.

NFT OBJECT Photographs of one hundred and twenty-three people who accessed the digital network as observers of the artistic performance were compressed into one anthropomorphic object using the ai algorithm. By analyzing the most frequently used words that these people typed into the search engines, the common name of the object was extracted. It's: love/love/love. The program for recognition and visualization suggested the final appearance of the object - a human head that instead of a face has a heart pierced by seven sorrows. The head rotates around its axis in constant motion. It is possible to add sound to it. That same head was part of the project The Machine Loves You / Give Us Your Data.