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Exiled, removed, rejected, we play roles concealing the fact that we are strangers to our own time. With objects, languages, descriptions, rituals, processions, prayers, images, promises... we create a safe environment of temporary stability again and again. For a moment we forget that we are strangers everywhere. CRO Prognani, odstranjeni, odbačeni, igramo uloge prikrivajući da smo stranci našeg vlastitog vremena. Objektima, jezicima, opisima, ritualima, procesijama, molitvama, slikama, obećanjima... kreiramo uvijek iznova sigurno okruženje privremene stabilnosti. Na časak zaboravljamo da smo stranci posvuda.

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What seems human to us is dysfunctional to machine intelligence, so it deletes it. We become strangers in our own world. We are negotiating in order to create objects from the remains of humanity, which we will use human rituals to restore their strength and magic. CRO Ono što se nama čini ljudsko, strojnoj inteligenciji je nefunkcionalno pa ga briše. Postajemo stranci u vlastitom svijetu. Pregovaramo kako bi od ostataka ljudskosti stvorili objekte kojima ćemo pomoću ljudskih rituala vratiti snagu i magičnost.

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