Restless objects and personalities move along the trajectories of performances. Since the beginning of 2000, we have been investigating the collision of the human body and machine intelligence in performance. We create new situations from existing conditions of high tension in everyday life. Perhaps because of the Balkan wars in which we participated or the fall of the Berlin Wall, which was a show of disguise and not the disappearance of a system, we see how digital technology is also constituted by performance, and mostly by patterns of human artistic performance. The creation of excess information encourages the desire for theatricalization. We create rituals from fears, rituals from power, objects from gods. It's the same with machines. We used early social media, the first cell phones, and pre-Google electronic communication to create a hybrid machine-human actor, director, artist, warrior. On Berlin's Janowitz Bridge in the middle of the final battle between Kreuzberg and Friedrischein, we created a new performance interface from human performers driven by AI prompts. we continued in Japan, Tokyo and Hiroshima, USA New York, Colombia, Bogota and Medellin, India in four holy cities as four stages, Bosnia, China... The objects that emerge from these digital mysteries are not images, icons or totems, they are networks that are waiting for a future in which they will be activated and thus regain their lost magic that we took away from them by describing and turning them into information. HRV Od početka 2000 tih istražujemo sudar ljudskog tijela i strojne inteligencije u izvedbama. Stvaramo nove situacije iz postojećih stanja visoke napetosti u svakodnevnici. Možda zbog balkanskih ratova u kojima smo sudjelovali ili pada berlinskog zida koji je bio predstava prerušavanja a ne nestanka jednog sustava, uviđamo kako je i digitalna tehnologija konstituirana izvedbom, i to najviše obrascima ljudske umjetničke izvedbe. Stvaranja viška informacija potiče žudnju za teatralizacijom. Od strahova stvaramo obrede, od moći rituale, od bogova objekte. Isto je i sa strojevima. Koristili smo rane društvene mreže, prve mobitele i pred-google elektronsku komunikaciju da stvorimo hibridnog strojno ljudskog glumca, redatelja, umjetnika, ratnika. Na berlinskom mostu Janowitz usred posljednje bitke između Kreuzberga i Friedrischeina stvorili smo novo izvedbeno sučelje od ljudskih izvođača pokretanih promptovima umjetne inteligencije. nastavili smo u Japanu, Tokiju i Hiroshimi, S.A.D., New Yorku, Kolumbiji, Bogota i Medellín, Indiji, u četiri sveta grada kao četiri pozornice, Bosni, Kini... Objekti koji proizlaze iz ovih digitalnih misterija nisu slike, ikone ili totemi, oni su mreže koji čekaju budućnost u kojoj će se aktivirati i tako povratiti svoju izgubljenu magiju koju smo im oduzeli opisivanjem i pretvaranjem u informacije.